I'll tell you my part and let Ziggy and Banderbear tell their news. On Friday morning we got up early, had our breakfast then got told to go run around for a while. The Sue came out and caught us all and we had to have a bath! Brrrr. It was cold but she wrapped us up in our jackets afterwards. Then me, Bear and Ziggy got into the ute, waved goodbye to Aura and Chino and drove off to Wellywood! Maris, Ngarimu and Louise were there to great us along with this fluffy things called cats.
At midnight Sue and Louise left us and when they arrived home they had two other people with them. These new comers ignored me and went straight to Ziggy. Ziggy knew them!
Anyway, on Saturday we went to dog shows. I bet Banderbear!!! hahaha. She got shitty with me about that. Then she bet me int he afternoon show. Boy did she rub that in.
We had great fun all weekend, playing and running and going to the beach! I love the beach, wish I could live in Wellington and play on the beach everyday like Nga and Maris.
Here I am being shown by Sue. She really doesn't have her finger in my mouth....really.
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