Saturday, November 22, 2014
I am not happy!
I am having to share the human with that fluffy thing called Zeus. Every time I wiggle higher, so does he.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Can we go walking now?
Bored with sitting around but she indoors is limping. Go on you big sook. That ankle really isn't that bad!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, November 27, 2011
So boring here lately. I tried spicing things up by helping paint the new fence but got told off. Apparently stain stains dogs too. So I resorted to napping. And you'll notice that I'm not on the new couch
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Things just get worse
And to make things worse my favourite chair has disappeared and in its place is this stuff that smells like new.
I tried to climb up on it and got told off. Apparently the furniture is for humans only.
Yer, like that will last....I just need to bide my time.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Just feeling down
My poor wee leg still hurts so much. This afternoon I just took myself off to bed to sleep. Sue had to undo my bandage as my foot swelled up and she was worried that it might be too tight. But it wasn't so she left it off for a little while before putting it all back on again.
I have to go to the vets tomorrow for a check up and a new bandage. I still can't walk on my sore leg (well not when anyone is watching anyway).
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Arghh!!!! My leg! My leg!
I was playing happily under Sue's work desk when Ziggy came in and rudely stuck his cold wet nose somewhere a girl doesn't want a cold wet nose.
I spun round to tell him off and got my leg stuck under the desk and a sharp piece of metal cut my leg right down to the bone! Blood, screams, panicking! But at least I got a pretty pink bandage this time.
But it's so sore! I have to hop along on three legs cause the vet put the metal staples in my leg. She said that's what the All Blacks get so I guess I'm as tough as they are.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Aunty Aura
Aunty Aura is getting old. She is nine next week. That's nearly as old as Uncle Chino. He's 10.5. Aura just likes lying around and relaxing these days. Sometimes she still tears around the lawn but not often any more. Aura is special. She sleeps on Sues bed every night.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Time to find a new family
Sue says it's time for me to find a family of my own where I can sleep warm and snug in a human bed every night. I haven't been bad or anything like that. I think I would like a home without my sister and that smelly Ziggy piglet trying to hog all the attention.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Happy birthday to me!
It was my birthday yesterday. A big five years old! I got to sleep in the bed last night, all snuggled up close to Sue. Aunty Aura was a bit put out. She said I took up too much room. Rubbish!
Anyway, I hope to have some new photos soon.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
I'm an Aunty!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
What an exciting weekend!

I'll tell you my part and let Ziggy and Banderbear tell their news. On Friday morning we got up early, had our breakfast then got told to go run around for a while. The Sue came out and caught us all and we had to have a bath! Brrrr. It was cold but she wrapped us up in our jackets afterwards. Then me, Bear and Ziggy got into the ute, waved goodbye to Aura and Chino and drove off to Wellywood! Maris, Ngarimu and Louise were there to great us along with this fluffy things called cats.
At midnight Sue and Louise left us and when they arrived home they had two other people with them. These new comers ignored me and went straight to Ziggy. Ziggy knew them!
Anyway, on Saturday we went to dog shows. I bet Banderbear!!! hahaha. She got shitty with me about that. Then she bet me int he afternoon show. Boy did she rub that in.
We had great fun all weekend, playing and running and going to the beach! I love the beach, wish I could live in Wellington and play on the beach everyday like Nga and Maris.
Here I am being shown by Sue. She really doesn't have her finger in my mouth....really.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Autumn sun
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Peace at last
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Friday, December 17, 2010
Not to be out done
Well, I demanded that Sue take me to the supermarket so I could get some fruit for my breakfast. Of course I wasn't allowed in the door - something about hygiene or something. What ya talking about? I had a bath last week!
Anyway I sent Sue in with my list and her credit card. Look what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
A dogs life indeed
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Water water everywhere and a lot of stupid dogs
I am not getting in there. It's too deep!
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